Our services

Registering a death

There is no need to obtain certificates before preliminary arrangements are made. We can advise on registration procedures.

A death must be registered by law in the district in which it occurred, and under normal circumstances, the doctor’s Medical Certificate of Death should be taken to the Registrar’s office with the deceased’s medical card if available. Click here to make an appointment to register a death or call 0300 200 100 2.

For a list of our local Registrars please click here.

The following persons are able to register a death occurring at home, hospital, nursing home etc.

  1. A relative of the deceased who was present at death.
  2. A relative of the deceased who was in attendance during illness.
  3. A relative residing or being in the district where the death occurred.
  4. A person present at the death.
  5. The occupier of the house, if they knew of the happening of the death.
  6. Any inmate of the house, if they knew of the happening of the death.
  7. The person dealing with the disposal of the body (not the funeral director).

If a death occurs elsewhere

  1. A relative of the deceased having knowledge of the required particulars.
  2. A person present at the death.
  3. The person who found the body.
  4. The person in charge of the body.
  5. The person dealing with the disposal of the body (not the funeral director).

When registering the death the informant must be prepared to state accurately the following particulars

  1. The date and place of death and the deceased’s usual address.
  2. The full names and surname and maiden name if the deceased was a married woman or widow.
  3. The date and place of birth (town and country) if born abroad.
  4. The occupation of the deceased and the name and occupation of her husband if the deceased was a married woman or widow.
  5. Whether the deceased was in receipt of a pension or allowance from public funds.
  6. If the deceased was married, the age of the surviving widow or widower.

Details of the Registrar’s hours are available from our offices. The Registrar will issue a Green Certificate which we will require for either burial or cremation. A Certificate of Registration will be issued for the D.S.S.

Full copies of the Death Certificate, for insurance, bank, solicitors etc. can be obtained from the Registrar upon payment of the appropriate fee. If H.M. Coroner is involved, the Registrar’s procedure may differ, we can advise.

Tell Us Once

Tell Us Once is a government service that lets you report a death to most government organisations in one go.

When you register the death the registrar will:

  • let you know if the service is available in your area
  • give you the phone number
  • give you a unique reference number to use the Tell Us Once service online or by phone
Jaguar hearse and limousineHorse drawn hearseJaguar hearse and limousineHorse drawn hearse